Mould me Lord!

When you feel that all you do is to stumble and swayMake Jesus your anchor, hope and stayHe will drive all your fears awayWhen the cross of Calvary is your only way! Trust in Jesus, come what mayAt His feet all your burdens you must layOnly be sure to watch and prayFor He is the […]

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Healing in my Soul!

When your Spirit blows over my soulYou remove all weariness and make me wholeYour love plays in my life a pivotal roleYour refreshing cleanses every tiring toll! I’ll be there when God calls the yonder rollHe will make good the loss of whatever the enemy stoleEven if it’s as small as the hole made by

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I Stand To Gain!

Jesus’ blood removes my guilty stainAll I do now is stand to gainHis love eases all my painAll else is vanity and in vain. His Spirit binds my heart in an unbroken chainFrom sin’s grip I strive to refrainNow life is full of joy and never mundaneFor every bondage I do disdainAnd His Grace and

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The Ancient of Days!

The Almighty Ancient of DaysAcknowledge Him in all your waysThen His blessings with you forever staysWait on Him for with Him there are no delaysThe enemy and his schemes He surely slaysAnd the Lord’s plan for your life always pays!  – Rebecca Joseph

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At the end of the Year!

When we come to the year’s endLord we are glad for thou did us defendIn your presence our hearts we rendAnd on our way thy blessings thou doth send! As thy flock thou doth us tendAnd thy favours on us do descendWe worship thee as our knees we bendFor our lives only thou canst truly

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