Letter from Mary Aunty…

Trusting the living God for our daily needs and also for emergencies… I am sure it’s your experience as well….
We are almost being broken by the burdens around.. Whether it’s our own or that of dear ones.. In fact, even strangers’ situations and their responses evoke in us such shocks and disbelief.. The world is slowly realizing the helplessness of one another.. Money can’t buy everything. Even if you have a heart to do something like a visit or a hug to communicate, ‘ I care’, it’s not possible..

It’s my intense desire and prayer, in the midst of all these, we may listen to what the Lord is speaking.. He is certainly speaking not only to His children but also to others…
Isa. 30/18.. “Therefore the Lord wants to be gracious to you….. .. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for Him…”
Yes, He is still waiting.. waiting to be gracious to me. He wants to wait on Him to know His mind, His dreams, His heart beat…. His desire to see His kingdom come…
Our calling is to weep with those who weep, at this point in time.. Loss of any thing, material or non material, or any one there is grief.. We don’t need to prove our “strength” When we cry inside..
Jesus wept at Mary’s grief though He knew very well, He is going to bring Lazarus back to life..We need to support those crying, carry them in our heart, in our thoughts and prayers. For this we need the mind of Christ, His love, His compassion… Let us receive that and equip ourselves for the great task around us, before us..